# Dump of graph , as of 2023-10-05 07:38:15.728746 (size 317) @base <> . @prefix rdf: . @prefix ns1: . @prefix ns2: . ns1:council-open-data rdf:type ns2:Catalog . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . @prefix ns3: . ns3:docPublicationStatus rdf:type ns2:Dataset . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . ns3:docsuffix rdf:type ns2:Dataset . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . ns3:documentcategory rdf:type ns2:Dataset . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . ns3:geographicalorigin rdf:type ns2:Dataset . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . ns3:policyarea rdf:type ns2:Dataset . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . ns3:professional_activity rdf:type ns2:Dataset . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . ns3:requesttype rdf:type ns2:Dataset . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . ns3:subjectmatter rdf:type ns2:Dataset . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . ns3:typeofreply rdf:type ns2:Dataset . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . rdf:type ns2:Record . rdf:type ns2:Record . rdf:type ns2:Record . rdf:type ns2:Record . rdf:type ns2:Record . rdf:type ns2:Record . rdf:type ns2:Record . rdf:type ns2:Record . rdf:type ns2:Record . rdf:type ns2:Record . rdf:type ns2:Record . rdf:type ns2:Record . @prefix ns4: . ns4:PublicRegister rdf:type ns2:Dataset . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . ns4:docRequests rdf:type ns2:Dataset . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . ns4:publicVotes rdf:type ns2:Dataset . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . rdf:type ns2:Distribution . @prefix ns5: . @prefix vcard2006: . ns5:GSCcontact rdf:type vcard2006:Organization . @prefix ns7: . @prefix foaf: . ns7:CONSIL_SG rdf:type foaf:Agent . _:b19802388 rdf:type vcard2006:Address . _:b19802389 rdf:type vcard2006:Voice , vcard2006:Work . @prefix xsd: . @prefix ns10: . ns10:modified "2016-03-30"^^xsd:date . ns10:modified "2016-03-30"^^xsd:date . ns10:modified "2016-03-30"^^xsd:date . ns10:modified "2016-03-30"^^xsd:date . ns10:modified "2016-03-30"^^xsd:date . ns10:modified "2016-03-30"^^xsd:date . ns10:modified "2016-03-30"^^xsd:date . ns10:modified "2016-03-30"^^xsd:date . ns10:modified "2016-03-30"^^xsd:date . ns10:modified "2016-03-30"^^xsd:date . ns10:modified "2016-03-30"^^xsd:date . ns10:modified "2016-03-30"^^xsd:date . ns1:council-open-data ns10:description "The General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union provides via its catalog datasets as Linked Open data" . ns10:description "SPARQL end-point to access the machine readable data" . ns3:docPublicationStatus ns10:description "This value identifies the document publication status. A document can be public, partially public or not public." . ns10:description "SPARQL end-point to access the machine readable data" . ns10:description "The complete dataset as RDF" . ns3:docsuffix ns10:description "This value further defines the type of document available in the Council's register. A Council document may be:\n\u2022 the original (INT)\n\u2022 a revision (REV)\n\u2022 an addendum (ADD)\n\u2022 a corrigendum (COR)\n\u2022 an extract (EXT),\n\u2022 a declassified document (DCL)\n\u2022 an amendment (AMD)\nSeveral of the suffixes identified above can be combined." . ns10:description "SPARQL end-point to access the machine readable data" . ns10:description "The complete dataset as RDF" . ns3:documentcategory ns10:description "This value identifies the type of Council document available in the Council's public register. The following different types of Council documents can be found in the register:\nST: standard\nCM: Communication (provisional agendas of working parties)\nAA, AC and AD: accession documents\nCG: intergovernmental conference\nCV: European Convention\nPE: European Parliament\nT: telexes" . ns10:description "SPARQL end-point to access the machine readable data" . ns10:description "The complete dataset as RDF" . ns3:geographicalorigin ns10:description "This value identifies the geographical origin of the citizen requesting access to documents." . ns10:description "SPARQL end-point to access the machine readable data" . ns10:description "The complete dataset as RDF" . ns3:policyarea ns10:description "This value identifies the policy area of a request for access to documents. A request may have more than one policy area." . ns10:description "SPARQL end-point to access the machine readable data" . ns10:description "The complete dataset as RDF" . ns3:professional_activity ns10:description "This value identifies the professional activity of the citizen requesting access to documents." . ns10:description "SPARQL end-point to access the machine readable data" . ns10:description "The complete dataset as RDF" . ns3:requesttype ns10:description "This value identifies the type of request for access to documents addressed to the Council. The request can have two different types: Initial request or confirmatory applicantion." . ns10:description "SPARQL end-point to access the machine readable data" . ns10:description "The complete dataset as RDF" . ns3:subjectmatter ns10:description "This value identifies the specific policy that the document relates to. " . ns10:description "SPARQL end-point to access the machine readable data" . ns10:description "The complete dataset as RDF" . ns3:typeofreply ns10:description "This value identifies the type of reply given by the General Secretariat or by the Council to a request for access to documents. After examination, the reply may provide access to a document or parts of it or refuse access to a document. For partial access and refusals the reply must identify the exception to the principle of access foreseen in Article 4 of Regulation 1049/2001." . ns10:description "SPARQL end-point to access the machine readable data" . ns10:description "The complete dataset as RDF" . ns4:PublicRegister ns10:description "This dataset contains the metadata of the Council's public register of documents. The Council's public register was set up in 1999. It contains references to documents issued by the Council since that date (exceptions apply regarding classified documents). Public documents are also available for downloading through the register.\nOn average, around 25 000 documents are added to the register each year (original language). The information related to Council documents is public even for documents which content is not available to the public.\n" . ns10:description "SPARQL end-point to access the machine readable data" . ns10:description "The complete dataset as RDF" . ns4:docRequests ns10:description "This dataset contains information on requests for access to documents addressed to the Council of the EU and to the European Council.\nThe Lisbon Treaty foresees a right of access to documents of the European Union institutions (Article 15(3) TFEU). Regulation 1049/2001 regarding public access to documents defines the principles, conditions and limits governing the right of access.\nCitizens can address the institutions, in any official language of the EU, to request public access to documents. Within 15 working days, an institution must reply to the citizen - either by providing access to the requested documents or by justifying its refusal. \nSince the adoption of Regulation 1049/2001, the Council receives an average of 2000 requests a year, covering approximately 8500 documents. With the exception of personal data, information on such requests is public.\n" . ns10:description "The complete dataset as RDF" . ns4:publicVotes ns10:description "The Council's voting records are public whenever it votes on a legislative act under the ordinary or a special legislative procedure. On average, the Council adopts 120 legislative acts per year.\nThis database identifies not only how each member state voted but it also contains information related to the acts being voted upon and voting procedures and rules that apply.\n" . ns10:description "SPARQL end-point to access the machine readable data" . ns10:description "The complete dataset as RDF" . ns1:council-open-data ns10:publisher ns7:CONSIL_SG . ns3:docPublicationStatus ns10:publisher ns7:CONSIL_SG . ns3:docsuffix ns10:publisher ns7:CONSIL_SG . ns3:documentcategory ns10:publisher ns7:CONSIL_SG . ns3:geographicalorigin ns10:publisher ns7:CONSIL_SG . ns3:policyarea ns10:publisher ns7:CONSIL_SG . ns3:professional_activity ns10:publisher ns7:CONSIL_SG . ns3:requesttype ns10:publisher ns7:CONSIL_SG . ns3:subjectmatter ns10:publisher ns7:CONSIL_SG . ns3:typeofreply ns10:publisher ns7:CONSIL_SG . ns4:PublicRegister ns10:publisher ns7:CONSIL_SG . ns4:docRequests ns10:publisher ns7:CONSIL_SG . ns4:publicVotes ns10:publisher ns7:CONSIL_SG . ns1:council-open-data ns10:title "Open Data catalog of the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union." . ns3:docPublicationStatus ns10:title "Document Publication Status" . ns3:docsuffix ns10:title "Document Suffix" . ns3:documentcategory ns10:title "Document Category" . ns3:geographicalorigin ns10:title "Geographical origin" . ns3:policyarea ns10:title "Policy Area" . ns3:professional_activity ns10:title "Professional Activity" . ns3:requesttype ns10:title "Type of Request" . ns3:subjectmatter ns10:title "Document Subject Matter" . ns3:typeofreply ns10:title "Type of Reply" . ns4:PublicRegister ns10:title "PublicRegister: Dataset on metadata of the register of documents of the Council" . ns4:docRequests ns10:title "DocRequests: Dataset on requests for access to documents" . ns4:publicVotes ns10:title "PublicVotes: Dataset on voting records of the Council of the EU" . ns3:docPublicationStatus ns10:issued "2/20/2016" . ns3:docsuffix ns10:issued "2/20/2016" . ns3:documentcategory ns10:issued "2/20/2016" . ns3:geographicalorigin ns10:issued "2/20/2016" . ns3:policyarea ns10:issued "2/20/2016" . ns3:professional_activity ns10:issued "2/20/2016" . ns3:requesttype ns10:issued "2/20/2016" . ns3:subjectmatter ns10:issued "2/20/2016" . ns3:typeofreply ns10:issued "2/20/2016" . ns4:PublicRegister ns10:issued "2/20/2016" . ns4:docRequests ns10:issued "2/20/2016" . ns4:publicVotes ns10:issued "2/20/2016" . ns5:GSCcontact vcard2006:hasEmail . ns3:docPublicationStatus ns2:contactpoint ns5:GSCcontact . ns3:docsuffix ns2:contactpoint ns5:GSCcontact . ns3:documentcategory ns2:contactpoint ns5:GSCcontact . ns3:geographicalorigin ns2:contactpoint ns5:GSCcontact . ns3:policyarea ns2:contactpoint ns5:GSCcontact . ns3:professional_activity ns2:contactpoint ns5:GSCcontact . ns3:requesttype ns2:contactpoint ns5:GSCcontact . ns3:subjectmatter ns2:contactpoint ns5:GSCcontact . ns3:typeofreply ns2:contactpoint ns5:GSCcontact . ns4:PublicRegister ns2:contactpoint ns5:GSCcontact . ns4:docRequests ns2:contactpoint ns5:GSCcontact . ns4:publicVotes ns2:contactpoint ns5:GSCcontact . _:b19802388 vcard2006:country-name "Belgie" , "Belgique"@fr , "Belgium"@en . ns5:GSCcontact vcard2006:fn "General Secretariat of the Council" ; vcard2006:hasAddress _:b19802388 . @prefix ns11: . _:b19802388 vcard2006:hasCountryName ns11:BEL . @prefix ns12: . _:b19802388 vcard2006:hasLocality ns12:BEL_BRU . ns5:GSCcontact vcard2006:hasTelephone _:b19802389 . _:b19802389 vcard2006:hasValue "tel:+32 22816111" . _:b19802388 vcard2006:locality "Brussels"@en , "Bruxelles"@fr , "Brussel" ; vcard2006:postal-code "B-1048" ; vcard2006:street-address "Rue de la Loi 175"@fr , "Wetstraat 175" . @prefix ns13: . ns2:accessURL ns13:sparql . ns2:accessURL ns13:sparql . ns2:accessURL . ns2:accessURL ns13:sparql . ns2:accessURL . ns2:accessURL ns13:sparql . ns2:accessURL . ns2:accessURL ns13:sparql . ns2:accessURL . ns2:accessURL ns13:sparql . ns2:accessURL . ns2:accessURL ns13:sparql . ns2:accessURL . ns2:accessURL ns13:sparql . ns2:accessURL . ns2:accessURL ns13:sparql . ns2:accessURL . ns2:accessURL ns13:sparql . ns2:accessURL . ns2:accessURL ns13:sparql . ns2:accessURL . ns2:accessURL . ns2:accessURL ns13:sparql . ns2:accessURL . ns1:council-open-data ns2:dataset ns3:docPublicationStatus , ns3:docsuffix , ns3:documentcategory , ns3:geographicalorigin , ns3:policyarea , ns3:professional_activity , ns3:requesttype , ns3:subjectmatter , ns3:typeofreply , ns4:PublicRegister , ns4:docRequests , ns4:publicVotes . ns3:docPublicationStatus ns2:distribution , . ns3:docsuffix ns2:distribution , . ns3:documentcategory ns2:distribution , . ns3:geographicalorigin ns2:distribution , . ns3:policyarea ns2:distribution , . ns3:professional_activity ns2:distribution , . ns3:requesttype ns2:distribution , . ns3:subjectmatter ns2:distribution , . ns3:typeofreply ns2:distribution , . ns4:PublicRegister ns2:distribution , . ns4:docRequests ns2:distribution , . ns4:publicVotes ns2:distribution , . @prefix ns14: . ns2:mediaType ns14:GZIP . ns2:mediaType ns14:GZIP . ns2:mediaType ns14:GZIP . ns2:mediaType ns14:GZIP . ns2:mediaType ns14:GZIP . ns2:mediaType ns14:GZIP . ns2:mediaType ns14:GZIP . ns2:mediaType ns14:GZIP . ns2:mediaType ns14:GZIP . ns2:mediaType ns14:GZIP . ns2:mediaType ns14:GZIP . ns2:mediaType ns14:GZIP . ns1:council-open-data ns2:record , , , , , , , , , , , . ns10:format ns14:SPARQLQ . ns10:format ns14:SPARQLQ . ns10:format ns14:RDF_TURTLE . ns10:format ns14:SPARQLQ . ns10:format ns14:RDF_TURTLE . ns10:format ns14:SPARQLQ . ns10:format ns14:RDF_TURTLE . ns10:format ns14:SPARQLQ . ns10:format ns14:RDF_TURTLE . ns10:format ns14:SPARQLQ . ns10:format ns14:RDF_TURTLE . ns10:format ns14:SPARQLQ . ns10:format ns14:RDF_TURTLE . ns10:format ns14:SPARQLQ . ns10:format ns14:RDF_TURTLE . ns10:format ns14:SPARQLQ . ns10:format ns14:RDF_TURTLE . ns10:format ns14:SPARQLQ . ns10:format ns14:RDF_TURTLE . ns10:format ns14:SPARQLQ . ns10:format ns14:RDF_TURTLE . ns10:format ns14:RDF_TURTLE . ns10:format ns14:SPARQLQ . ns10:format ns14:RDF_TURTLE . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . ns10:license . @prefix ns15: . ns7:CONSIL_SG ns10:type ns15:SupraNationalAuthority . ns1:council-open-data foaf:Document "http://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/general-secretariat/corporate-policies/transparency/open-data/" . ns7:CONSIL_SG foaf:homepage "http://www.consilium.europa.eu" ; foaf:name "General Secretariat of the Council"@en . foaf:primaryTopic ns4:docRequests . foaf:primaryTopic ns3:typeofreply . foaf:primaryTopic ns3:docPublicationStatus . foaf:primaryTopic ns3:documentcategory . foaf:primaryTopic ns3:docsuffix . foaf:primaryTopic ns3:geographicalorigin . foaf:primaryTopic ns3:policyarea . foaf:primaryTopic ns3:professional_activity . foaf:primaryTopic ns4:PublicRegister . foaf:primaryTopic ns4:publicVotes . foaf:primaryTopic ns3:requesttype . foaf:primaryTopic ns3:subjectmatter .